Standardized testing policies continue to change as the climate around Covid-19 and College Admissions evolves to meet students needs. CollegeBoard recently announced a major restructuring of its SAT Testing policies for 2021, which include the following:
⚠️1) Discontinuing SAT Subject test.
• US students will automatically have registrations canceled and receive a refund.
• Check colleges’ websites for the most up-to-date information on their application policies.
⚠️2) Discontinuing the optional SAT Essay.
- Students can still take the SAT with essay through June 2021.
- Students who are registered for the SAT with Essay this spring can cancel the Essay portion at any time, free of charge.
⚠️3) Exploring a more flexible SAT -“A streamlined, digitally delivered exam that meets the evolving needs of students and higher education.”
-expect more details later this spring.
-work to provide students in the Class of 2022 seats to take the SAT that would have gone to Subject Test takers.
-considering adding new fall administrations of the SAT because of impact to testing this spring.
For more information and updates go to - https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests